The 20 Games Challenge!

The goal of the 20 games challenge for me is to actually finish some games.

With each game the scope will increase, and I hope by the end of the challenge I will have a better grasp on how to release games, and hopefully pick up some transferable skills to apply to my own countless unfinished projects along the way.

Game / Step #1: Make a game! (Flappy Bird Clone):


1.0 Initial Release


Create a game world with a floor.
Add an object that represents the main character. Apply a constant force to the character so it falls to the floor.
Add obstacles on the left of the game area. The obstacles should slide across the screen toward the right. The obstacles will appear in pairs, with a vertical gap between them.
Detect when the character collides with the floor or obstacles, and reset the game when a collision occurs.
Accumulate one point for each obstacle that the player passes. Display the score.

Stretch Goals:

Create a game world with a floor.
Add some sounds that will play each time the player gains a point, and when the player loses.
Add a basic game-over screen to display the player’s score.
Track the high-score between play sessions and display the high score alongside the current score.
Add some background art! Try layering the background and scrolling at a different rate to the foreground obstacles. This is called Parallax scrolling.

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